I believe you!

Hello Survivor, I see you crouching in the cavity of darkness. I hear your sobs and see your tears. I know you are there. AND I believe you! Many years ago, I lived that darkness. I doubted myself. I doubted my memories. I was afraid. I thought I’d be a terrible advocate. I didn’t have…

A Savage Perp Response

Mr. Andy Savage, You and your church appear to need help writing an appropriate sexual assault perpetrator response.  Your infuriating attempt to avoid responsibility perpetuates rape culture and fails at bringing about the healing you claim you want for your victim.  If you are truly sorry for your sins and really want to make a confession to your church, please…

Growl for Alabama

Today is another eve of my sanity. In just a few hours, men and women in Alabama will leave their homes to vote for a new senator. The news and my husband are trying to prepare me for another predicted fall of our Country’s morality under the veil of “religious liberty”. Religious liberty doesn’t mean…

Let’s Talk About the Classic Perp Statement

Almost every day there is a new disgusting sexual harassment or assault allegation about someone in Hollywood or running for office. Each new #MeToo testimony is a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD trigger to my own experiences.  I don’t enjoy these mild to chair holding panic attacks but I am grateful for every brave women with the courage…

Toxic Identity Politics

Identity politics is a popular subject in the news. It also was a hot topic when I went canvassing for Virginia’s November election. Specifically, some said they were tired of identity politics because they could not identify with a group like transgender youth, or women who marched for social justice, equal pay and a professional…

Did Lady Justice Make a Sound when Truth was Broken?

Our current President has given me more cause to repeatedly read the US Constitution than my high school US History Teacher.  We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and…

Nope. My Vagina’s Votin’ – Not a Gender Vote

Facebook is such a happy place during elections.  All the happy vacation photos turn to political rants that no one has the courage to express anywhere but Facebook. The past few days has been gruesome with several male Facebook friends boldly posting how sad they are that a lot of women are voting their “gender”,…