Simple Truth About Pink Hats

Advocacy is not for the faint-hearted. Advocacy is a strange roller coaster of similar and not so similar people jumping on a train before knowing how fast the car will go to its highest peak before it drops to its lowest and back and forth around turns until the ride ends with a stream of…

DV Awareness Volunteers- Has the world changed?

Forgive me world. Does a volcano know when it is ready to explode? October is domestic violence awareness month so it’s time for my annual growl for justice. I’m ashamed to admit this is more of a quiet hiss – a sad, embarrassing testimony for all our raped brothers and sisters or domestic violence victims hiding…

29 Prayers to Election Day: Justice for Victims of Predators

Honorable Advocate, Bring justice for your children. We cry out to you. Thank you for revealing the truth. You know what happens in the dark. Wipe away our shame and disgrace. Help us elect an advocate for violence’s wounded warriors. Reveal your truth. Motivate perpetrators to confess and repent. For the wounded. Grant justice. Amen…